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"Build Peace in the Minds of Men and Women"

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Union and innovation in the face of COVID-19

Cultural diversity has gained special relevance in recent years due to different phenomena such as internal and external migration, as well as globalization processes throughout the world. In this context, Mexico has been recognized as one of the countries with the greatest cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity at the international level.


In our activities (Camino Real Tierra Adentro Seminar) we will take a brief tour of cultural diversity in Mexico, going through some characteristics of the ethnic, linguistic and material diversity that are part of the same country. Finally we will see what is the legal framework that has been generated as a measure of promotion and protection of cultural diversity.


For UNESCO, cultural diversity has always been at the core of its concerns. Therefore, the adoption of the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity confirmed its commitment to “the fruitful diversity of cultures” in a spirit of dialogue and openness, taking into account the social risks that arise when building a homogeneous society and from A universalist conception.
Cultures include arts and letters, as well as ways of life, value systems, traditions and beliefs, so the protection and promotion of their diversity poses a challenge: defending the creative capacity of culture through multiplicity of its material and immaterial forms and guarantee a peaceful coexistence of the peoples that carry them.
