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"Build Peace in the Minds of Men and Women"

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Union and innovation in the face of COVID-19

Mexico has a historic opportunity: it has invested in the educational advancement of women with affirmative actions like few countries in the region; has built the legal, institutional, programmatic and budgetary bases that guarantee equal rights and opportunities between women and men; It has institutional mechanisms for the advancement of women in the different powers of the State, in political parties, in the academy and with a civil society, especially the women's movement, proactive and vigilant of compliance with international standards. The recent consecration of parity as a constitutional principle and in electoral laws is undoubtedly a historic and fair opportunity to open the doors to the talent of Mexican women. On the other hand, the National Development Plan for the first time contains a transversal strategy to incorporate substantive equality into sectoral programs, and has been centrally reflected in the National Program for Equal Opportunities and Non-Discrimination against Women - PROIGUALITY - led by the National Women's Institute (INMUJERES) but also in the Human Rights Program. Mexico has built a solid global and regional leadership on the gender equality agenda. However, we have to accelerate the pace

Human Rights

COURSE: "Generation for Gender Equality" INDESOL

 Forming an alliance with the National Institute of Social Development (INDESOL) to address issues of gender equality, members of the UNESCO Compse Club are invited to participate in the Course "Generation for Gender Equality" which aims to train People trained to replicate the issues seen, increasing the scope of the same by educating people about Gender Equality.
