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"Build Peace in the Minds of Men and Women"

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Union and innovation in the face of COVID-19

Human Rights, as we know them today, are born as a reaction to the barbarities that humanity experienced during the first half of the twentieth century. The historical context in which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was born, in 1948, is precisely that of the horror of the dimensions, cruelty and aberration of the Nazi holocaust that mainly affected people of Jewish religion, but also had among its victims to other groups. It is precisely as a reaction to these facts, that the international community of the time, that is, the one before the decolonization processes, endowed itself with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and laid the foundations for the subsequent development of the entire legal body of International Human Rights Law.
Currently, in Mexico we work on the General Law of Human Rights for girls, boys and adloscent promulgated in 2014, the municipalities have the obligation to spread this law in schools and communities and train their administrative team.
According to the report of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, it states the following:
The report analyzes the serious human rights crisis that Mexico is going through, with particular emphasis on disappearances and enforced disappearances, extrajudicial executions, torture, as well as the situation of citizen insecurity, access to justice and impunity. It also addresses the human rights situation of some population groups especially affected by violence in the country, including human rights defenders, women, indigenous peoples, girls, boys and adolescents, migrants, lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans. The situation of murders, violence and threats against journalists is also analyzed, which has made Mexico considered one of the most dangerous countries in the world to practice journalism.

Human Rights

Forum: "Human Rights Education and Culture of Respect for Fundamental Rights, including EDUCATION


The National Human Rights Commission holds the Forum: "Education in Human Rights and Culture of Respect for Fundamental Rights" rescuing the most important elements to promote and implement strategies that allow the defense of the Human Rights of all persons of the social, labor and personal spheres Dr. Enrique Rentería Castro exposes the importance of Human Rights Education.

Subsequently the Inauguration of the Third Exhibition "Photographic Exhibition on Human Rights" takes place where Dr. Enrique Rentería Castro was invited to cut the ribbon and start the tour, at the end of the event there was talk of future projects that the CNDH and The UNESCO Compse Club to be carried out to meet the objective of Human Rights education.
