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"Build Peace in the Minds of Men and Women"

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Union and innovation in the face of COVID-19

The Autonomous University of Chapingo and the Tomás Frías University of Potosí, Bolivia have allowed us to compile experiences and knowledge related to the importance of Earth and Water as sustenance for the culture of sustainable development, especially those related to productive and festive activities; the knowledge, practices and techniques associated with the particularities of the nature-culture relationship in Latin American communities; kinship and family systems; the rites of passage associated with the life cycle, as well as the forms of sociability, norms and customary law. The following categories have been defined: knowledge of the environment (ethnoastronomy, ethnobotany and ethnozoology), agricultural, livestock and fishing knowledge and techniques; folk medicine (includes herbalism); culinary culture, eating habits and commensality and worldview.

Knowledge and uses related to nature

The knowledge and uses related to nature and the universe encompass a series of knowledge, techniques, skills, practices and representations that communities have created in their interaction with the natural environment. These ways of thinking about the universe, which are expressed in language, oral tradition, the feeling of attachment to a place, memory, spirituality and worldview, greatly influence values and beliefs and constitute the foundation of Many social uses and cultural traditions. In turn, these modes of thinking are shaped by the natural environment and the wider world of the community.
